It's what you build with it.
Yrbia is a platform for collecting and visualizing data, keeping notes, publishing newsletters, and more..
- Collect structured data from all across the web
- Manage workflows from source to sink
- Build machine and human-readable artifacts for sale or to share
- Start up fast with our community-managed template ecosystem
Browse dozens of Yrbia-generated publications covering current events, energy, finance, smart cities, and more.
No wisdom without vision.
Your audience puts their trust in your perspective. Yrbia is the engine that powers your vision.
Adaptive Automated Messaging
- Say what you need to say. Then let Yrbia tailor and publish adapted messages across audience, channels, formats and demographics.
Repeatable Text Transform Pipelines
- Once you've stumbled on a set of text transformations you like, keep the pipeline on hand.
No vision without knowledge.
You will encounter complexity in the information environment. Make it make sense.
Structured Data Extraction from Text
- For when you know what you're looking for and want to work with structured data.
Schema Inference from Unstructured Text
- Not sure where to start? Let us figure out the right structure based on your input.
No knowledge without data.
It isn't enough to publish a claim, you'll also need to provide evidence.
Source Management
- Keep a clear record of origin as you extract and transform information from the web.
Citations and Enhanced Texts
- Automatically link and cite corroborating sources when you publish.
Yrbia Sources
copyright Yrbia LLC, 2024.
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